
Hi Lowell! We are EmpowerHer, a club that originates from the global organization GLI (Girls Learn International). We help raise awareness about world events, specifically regarding women’s health and education. In addition, we fundraise for our partner school, Unatti Nepal, to help provide education and period products for girls in Nepal through bake sales and GoFundMe. Last year, we held a benefit to raise funds with a silent auction and to present our research. In total, we raised $7,000+. During meetings, we discuss new topics to spread awareness. This year, we will be launching action projects to give back to our community in a more direct way. These may include volunteering at a women's shelter, working on STEM projects with young girls, educating children about periods, and advocating for women’s rights through policy. Here at Lowell, we take part in events like WinterFaire and Sexual Health Day. Our club gives an opportunity to learn how to bring awareness to voices worldwide that struggle to be heard. Everyone is welcome to join! We hold our meetings every other Tuesday in Room 256 at 3:45pm after school. Join to help make change in your community and worldwide!

Meetings: We meet every Tuesday at Room 256 -- 3:45pm

Club Officers:

President: Angelina Koroknay 2502

Vice President: Penelope Aprile 2518

Other Officers: Operations Olivia Santos Secretary Ada Jacobson PRs Ava Ryckebusch & Kyra Liu